Monday, March 19, 2012

Dynamic galleriffic using pagemethod / webmethod in

In this post we are going to explore using Galleriffic jQuery plugin with web method/page method /web service. Also we will see how to change the image source dynamically. The detail of the plugin available here. First lets quickly go through the plugin usage-

First of all we need to add the following script files for working with Galleriffic-
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""
        type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
The opacityrollover js file is optional. And also if we want we can define our own CSS files.

The HTML needed for the plugin is as follows-
<div id="container">
    <div id="gallery" class="content">
        <div id="controls" class="controls">
        <div class="slideshow-container">
            <div id="loading" class="loader">
            <div id="slideshow" class="slideshow">
        <div id="caption" class="caption-container">
    <div id="thumbs" class="navigation">
        <ul class="thumbs noscript" id="containerID">
                <a class="thumb" name="drop" href=""
                    title="Title #1">
                    <img src="" alt="Title #1" />
                <div class="caption">
                    Any html can be placed here ...
    <div style="clear: both;">
Lets explain the HTML a little more. Line 3-4 is used for adding buttons of the slideshow(Play/Stop slideshow, Next image, previous image). Line 5-10 is used for showing the big image where line 6-7 is used to show the loading effect while the image is getting loaded and line 8-9 is used to show the actual image. And line 11-12 is used to show any additional information for the image. And the line 14-30 is used to add the image information. In that UL represent the image container. And each LI correspond to a image. It contains many information. Image tag in the LI represent the thumbnail image and the href of the container anchor represent the image that will be shown as a big image. Finally the div with class caption can be used as a container of additional information. The additional information can be of type HTML.

We are also going to use an additional select box as an option to change the data source for the plugin. The code goes here-
<select id="changeGallery">
    <option value="gett" selected="selected">Gallery 1</option>
    <option value="moda">Gallery 2</option>
Now to activate the plugin with rollover we call use the following code block-
var onMouseOutOpacity = 0.67;
$('#thumbs ul.thumbs li').opacityrollover({
    //add all option here

// Initialize Advanced Galleriffic Gallery
var gallery = $('#thumbs').galleriffic({
    //add all option here
So for enabling the Galleriffic we are going to use the following code-
function attachGallery() {
    var onMouseOutOpacity = 0.67;
    $('#thumbs ul.thumbs li').opacityrollover({
        mouseOutOpacity: onMouseOutOpacity,
        mouseOverOpacity: 1.0,
        fadeSpeed: 'fast',
        exemptionSelector: '.selected'

    galleryVar = $('#thumbs').galleriffic({
        delay: 2500,
        numThumbs: 15,
        preloadAhead: 10,
        enableTopPager: true,
        enableBottomPager: true,
        maxPagesToShow: 7,
        imageContainerSel: '#slideshow',
        controlsContainerSel: '#controls',
        captionContainerSel: '#caption',
        loadingContainerSel: '#loading',
        renderSSControls: true,
        renderNavControls: true,
        playLinkText: 'Play Slideshow',
        pauseLinkText: 'Pause Slideshow',
        prevLinkText: '&lsaquo; Previous Photo',
        nextLinkText: 'Next Photo &rsaquo;',
        nextPageLinkText: 'Next &rsaquo;',
        prevPageLinkText: '&lsaquo; Prev',
        enableHistory: false,
        autoStart: false,
        syncTransitions: true,
        defaultTransitionDuration: 900,
        onSlideChange: function (prevIndex, nextIndex) {
     .eq(prevIndex).fadeTo('fast', onMouseOutOpacity).end()
     .eq(nextIndex).fadeTo('fast', 1.0);
        onPageTransitionOut: function (callback) {
            this.fadeTo('fast', 0.0, callback);
        onPageTransitionIn: function () {
            this.fadeTo('fast', 1.0);
Now to implement the dynamic Galleriffic, lets remove all the LI's form the UL container. And let add a hidden block of LI that we will be using as a template. The code block is as follows-
<div id="itemContainer" style="display: none">
    <li><a class="thumb" name="drop" href=""
        title="Title #1">
        <img src="" alt="Title #1" />
        <div class="caption">
            Any html can be placed here ...
Now to make it database driven we need to do the following-
  1. Clone the hidden LI
  2. Change HREF and TITLE of the anchor tag using database values
  3. Change SRC and ALT of the image tag using database values
  4. Change the caption div inner HTML with database value
  5. Append the cloned LI to the container UL
  6. Repeat the process for all images
Now let us have some page method or web method that will return images that need to be added dynamically. It goes here-
public static object GetImageDetail(string id)
    var imageData = new { ImageID = 0, URL = string.Format("{0}01.jpg",id), Thumb = string.Format("{0}01.jpg",id), Title = "Title 0", Caption = "Caption 0" };
    var imageDataList = (new[] { imageData }).ToList();
    for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
        imageDataList.Add(new { ImageID = 0, URL = string.Format("{0}0{1}.jpg", id, i), Thumb = string.Format("{0}0{1}.jpg", id, i), Title = string.Format("Title {0}", i), Caption = string.Format("Caption {0}", i) });
    for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++)
        imageDataList.Add(new { ImageID = 0, URL = string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", id, i), Thumb = string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", id, i), Title = string.Format("Title {0}", i), Caption = string.Format("Caption {0}", i) });
    return imageDataList;
Here I have taken the help of for images. And the jQuery code used to dynamically load the images goes here-
var templete, containerVar;
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    templete = $("#itemContainer li");
    containerVar = $("#containerID");
function getData() {
        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json",
        data: "{id:'gett'}",
        url: "Clear ALL images in the Galleriffic jquery plugin and Insert new images using jquery or javas.aspx/GetImageDetail",
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {
            $(data.d).each(function (i, item) {
                containerVar.find("li:last a.thumb").attr({ "href": item.URL, "Title": item.Title });
                containerVar.find("li:last a.thumb img").attr({ "src": item.Thumb, "Title": item.Title });
                containerVar.find("li:last .caption").html(item.Caption);
        error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    $('div.navigation').css({ 'width': '300px', 'float': 'left' });
    $('div.content').css('display', 'block');
And to dynamically change the datasource in the plugin we can call the getData() method on the change of the previously added dropdown. The code is as below-
And also we need to remove the content of the container UL before changing the content of the UL. So, at the start of the getData() method we can append the code containerVar.empty();. But there is a small problem, if we play the slide show and then change the dropdown selection. Then the slide show shows wrong image in the big image. It shows the previous datasource images. So, before changing the data source we can stop the slide show and then change the source. The final code looks like-
        var templete, containerVar;
        jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
            templete = $("#itemContainer li");
            containerVar = $("#containerID");

        function getData() {
            try {
            catch (ex) {
                type: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json",
                data: "{id:'" + $("#changeGallery").val() + "'}",
                url: "Clear ALL images in the Galleriffic jquery plugin and Insert new images using jquery or javas.aspx/GetImageDetail",
                dataType: "json",
                success: function (data) {
                    $(data.d).each(function (i, item) {
                        containerVar.find("li:last a.thumb").attr({ "href": item.URL, "Title": item.Title });
                        containerVar.find("li:last a.thumb img").attr({ "src": item.Thumb, "Title": item.Title });
                        containerVar.find("li:last .caption").html(item.Caption);
                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            $('div.navigation').css({ 'width': '300px', 'float': 'left' });
            $('div.content').css('display', 'block');
You can download the code form here.


  1. I got this working so I'm getting dynamic images, but when I click on a thumbnail, the main image is displayed lower than the thumbs so I have to scroll down to see it. The same thing is happening in the code I downloaded from here. Any idea how to fix it?

    1. I am sure there is a style conflict in your code with other css styles. It working fine at my end. You should debug the style in IE developer tool or firebug or other browser.

  2. I have created this post to find some answers

    I am trying to follow yours tutorial, but i didnt undestand how to change the url property to call my webmethod. I tryed to put the "GetImageDetail" webmethod in the codebehind and in a new webservice, both have failed.

    Might you help me, please?
